Tuesday, February 10, 2009

"Remember, "god" is nothing more than a nonsense word created by man to explain away all of the things we can't yet understand.

Religion is a disease of the mind, born of fear, which has done nothing but bring untold misery down upon the human race. "

I know that if we use logic and reason that the statement above will eventually be considered a fact in our society. I really do long for the day that i will see all religion done away with and the human race can advance beyond thinking this imaginary floating being controls everything.

Don't you wish the whole world was the intelligent?

Satan is or was an angel according to the Book of lies(The holy Bible) so if he existed with god for thousands if not millions of years before mankind doesn't that make him alot smarter then us, and if so and the most beautiful angel in heaven would turn against god, then doesn't he know something we dont?

If you look at the bible satan is the one who told us to eat the fruit so that we may know right from wrong, if we didn't know right from wrong before then why are we being punished for sinning, god at that point didn't give us the power to determine what was good or evil. So we ate the fruit and now we know can know good and evil but now its to late?

doesn't seem right to me.

Am i wrong to say that if not for satan we would all be like robots not knowing good from evil and basically being like animals? wouldn't we sin without knowing it anyway if we didn't know what was bad?

Common sense will tell you that with some many world religions that you believe are "wrong" that you religion is probably also WRONG.

Let me break this down for you... You need a way to control people and they are all wondering what will happen when they die and wondering why they die and how they got here so you make up some rules and tell them that "god" told you this, then you tell them that they will go to hell if they don't obey those rules but if they do Obey they will go to heaven.

So the unintelligent people who know nothing of science and have no common sense follow this false snare to get them to obey these laws, the problem is that their children and grand children also believe this bull and now its gotten so bad that people cant tell the difference between reality and these myths.

Greeks really believed in Apollo.

Romans REALLY believed in Saturn.

Christians REALLY believed in christ, but i hope very soon, the world will see it as it is. Just another Myth.

I have actually studied religion for 12 years now and I am versed in most religions(not alot of tribal religions but some) and i have found they are all very similar and they for the most part are meant to try to explain as a sense of comfort and control with curtain rules, Reason for death and hope after death along with set rules to control their followers are common traits in all religion.

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